Blogger Award – First Nomination!

blogger- award

My first nomination for the Blogger Award but my 2nd nomination in general!

Thank you Cameron from Threads for nominating me. If you guys don’t know him yet, check out this blog! It’s like a fashion wikipedia! Learn everything you need to know about any designer in 3 paragraphs or less. Love it for someone on the run like myself!


The Rules:
1. Thank and list the blogger who nominated you. (As above)
2. List the rules and display the award. (Done and done)
3. Share seven facts about yourself. (Below)
4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their post to let them know they have been nominated. (Below)
5. Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you (Above and done!)


Seven Facts:
1. I’d like to say that I have a close relationship with my brother. Although if you mention this, I’d probably deny it xP
2. I do not like wearing fur of ANY KIND, whether its fake or not.
3. A Walk to Remember is probably my favourite all-time romantic movie. I can still cry watching it.
4. I’m a crybaby. If I see anyone crying, I can’t help but cry too.
5. New York City is my favourite city.
6. I wish to one day live in NYC.
7. I’m a night-owl.


The Nominations:

1. Global Garcon
2. Sweet Little Somethings Not a fashion blog, but what I love about her blog is that her posts are inspirational.
3. The Street Siren
4. Makeup your cupcake
5. Dear, Ali Grace.
6. Diana’s Adventure
7. B as Blonde
8. Secondhand Honeymoon
9. Loveleys Beauty Box
10. A Traveller’s Tale
11. Styled by Lyndi
12. The Closet Craze
13. The Geek Chick
14. Troxel
15. Waistedd

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